Brian McElaney
Phoenix Basics
Course Description

Phoenix Framework provides a powerful toolset for building future-focused web applications. Over a one-day training session we'll build a tool to view and share preferred conference sessions during multi-track events like ElixirConf. We'll use Elixir and Phoenix to authenticate users, generate profiles with avatars, view the conference schedule, pick favorite talks, and share personalized schedules between users.

Attendees will learn Ecto basics, how to add common functionality through hex packages, the role of contexts and how Phoenix fits in to umbrella applications, Phoenix resource routing, creating controller resources, and how to generate HTML views and and JSON apis.

Brian McElaney (or "Mac" as his friends and coworkers know him) cooks competitively, pretends to like parades, and feels that brunch should be protected by law. For over 20 years, has lead user-focused software teams building everything from medical device monitoring systems to foreign exchange trading platforms. With three years experience with the language in production he now works with a number of companies transitioning their existing businesses systems to Elixir and Phoenix.

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